Meet The Team
The Sausagey Management Team
My super-efficient resident helpers Max, Nellie, Little Dave and Cookie.
They all have their special roles to play in helping me to ensure that your Sausage's stay with us is a very happy one.

Mother Hen, Matriarch, the Boss
A calm and motherly miniature Sausage now in her golden years, Nellie likes sunbathing, cheese, and keeping a watchful eye on proceedings to make sure everyone behaves themselves.

Little Dave
Head of Security
A big personality in a little Sausage body, little Dave likes chasing off squirrels & the Delivery man, tummy tickles and makes sure everyone is kept safe by barking!

Management Trainee
As the baby girl of the bunch., Cookie excels as our "Chief Meet and Greeter" and likes being everybody's friend, playing and lots of cuddles.
The Non-Sausagey Management Team

Sausage Guardian
​Gentle, loveable and friendly, also in his golden years, Max is a bit more doddery on his feet than he used to be. He likes to make guests feel welcome, is incredibly tolerant of Sausagey quirky ways. and watches over the Sausages to make sure they are all happy and content. In his spare time he likes pottering around the garden, rolling in the grass, and sleeping by my feet.
The MD/General DogsBody
This is me, Hedy.
My lifelong love for dogs has been a constant source of joy. With over 25 years of being 'owned' by three Labradors, three Working Cockers, and three miniature Dachshunds, I feel very fortunate now to be a full-time "Dog-Mother". Having three dachshunds is never enough though and watching Nellie & little Dave playing together one day and seeing them have such fun, gave me the inspiration to welcome more little Sausages to come and stay with us.
And so... Little Sizzlers Hotel was born!